@The Answer For Important Question: How do I earn a living from affiliate marketing? #affiliate #marketing #earn #living#important #question

To make a living with affiliate marketing, you need to:

Select great products to promote to your audience.

Conduct keyword research, especially if you are going to be using a blog.

Create a website/blog or social media account.

Provide valuable content.

Make yourself a schedule.

Choose your niche, which is the category you want to talk about and promote.

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Nowadays there are many many ways to make money online, and a lot of it. One recommended way is affiliate marketing. There are a lot of ways that you can attack this strategy and make some money while you sleep. In this post, I will show you how to do affiliate marketing with a blog.

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing/advertising strategy. A company pays people to promote their products on their social media outlets/email lists. You get paid through commissions on the sales of products. Meaning you have to make sales in order to get paid.

You will have to sign up for the affiliate program for the company you desire to promote. In turn, they will give you a specialized link, which will be the link your audience uses to promote the product. Most of the time they must buy using that link.

Many people are doing this strategy using their social media audience. But the truth is you do not need a large audience in order to promote and sell products.

Below, I will be going through strategies on how to promote products and what sites are best to sign up with to get started!

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission, which comes at no extra cost to you, when you make a purchase through a link.

The first and most important it to select great products to your audience. It also helps of you chose products specific to your audience. There is no point in promoting a automotive product to your audience who is interested in cooking!

Promoting bad products could cause you to lose sales or credibility. We do not want that!

Here are some ways to find some products:

  1. Conduct online research
  2. For niche specific programs, google ‘your niche’ + ‘affiliate program’. Then research the best one for you.
  3. Most business have an affiliate program. Simply go to their site, and find affiliate program at the bottom of the page. Or, search for it in site.                                                                                                                    Recommendations on sites


Amazon Associates

2. Conduct Keyword Research
This is an important part of affiliate marketing, especially if you are going to be using a blog.

If you ever search on google, there is a message right below the search bar displaying how many results your search turned. If you have noticed, you will see that most of the time that number is in the tens of millions. So we have to get onto that first page of google!

We can achieve this with proper keyword research. Here’s how:

– Search your niche in Google: there will be keywords that come up as you type into the search bar. This is how I do some of my keyword research. You can create blog posts based on the results that come up.

– Look at some free keyword research tools to sign up for. These will display the ranking of some keywords on google, which makes it easier to incorporate.

3. Create a Website/Blog or Social Media Account

The traditional way of doing this is through a blog. However, it can be done through a theme page social media account. In this segment, I will focus on a blog but will put an extra point about social media at the end of the blog post!

Nowadays all businesses need a website to be able to compete with other companies. You will be more successful in this space with a website, than without it.

For the sake of time, I will condense the process down and include some resources I used in order to build my website.

First, I found a program to build my site with. Which is BlueHost. Bluehost has a pretty simple interface which makes the whole process smooth and a lot less stressful. They also will ask if you have any experience in making a site. If not, they give tips on building your own.

The best part is the price on Bluehost. I am currently paying $2.95 a month for my blog! I will leave a link to checkout BlueHost if you are interested in choosing them.

Checkout Bluehost here!

Now, you will create blog posts based on your niche. Remember to create value for your readers. The site is for them to read, not for yourself. You will post affiliate links in your posts to generate sales, which is a way your site will make you money.

4. Provide Valuable Content

This is an essential point to consider in your blog. Even though it doesn’t seem that way.

You want to provide your audience with truly valuable content. If you consistently just spam with affiliate links to subpar products, your audience is going to stop listening to you. They know that they only care about making commissions and not helping them.

Your goal is to build an audience, not drive it away!

When making your posts, consider your audience. Put yourself in their shoes. They may not know all the terms in the niche your writing in. So keep your writing simple and easy to read and comprehend.

This will make your existing audience enjoy your blog posts and feel as if they are learning a lot of new information, because they are!

Who knows, it could cause them to recommend it to friends and family which will cause more traffic to your blog.

5. Make Yourself a Schedule

As you start your blog career, you will notice that curating the best and most valuable blog posts take some time.

It is best that you find time during your day to plan and create some posts.

I do this by cutting a portion out of my day to make blog posts and publish them. Having a schedule makes it a lot more efficient to put out content for your readers. It does not necessarily have to be a large chunk of time. Any amount of time spent a day is good time.

You could even schedule out some posts or ideas. You could plan out by couple days or weeks depending on how busy your days are.

My tip: write down at least 30 post ideas before you start. I did this as I set up my Bluehost site. I knew I would aim for the personal finance niche. So I came up with 35 personal finance niche post ideas.

This makes it a lot easier to focus on your posts and avoid stress by not having to come up with post ideas every single week, or whatever your schedule will be.

Life is already stressful enough, no need to add any extra stress with blog posts!

Important Notes & Conclusion 

Now that we have gone through on outline of the steps in affiliate marketing. Are you ready to start your affiliate marketing journey? The ceiling on how much you can grow is pretty much uncapped. If you work hard, you will be rewarded. I encourage you to check out some of the sites I linked & watching some YouTube videos on the topic!

Imagine all you needed to make money online was a website. You don’t have to create your own products or offer a service. Sounds good? Welcome to affiliate marketing.

According to Statista, business spending on affiliate marketing hit $8.2 billion in the U.S in 2022 and Influencer Marketing Hub estimates that the industry will continue to grow to $15.7 billion by 2024.

Start today, and you’ll be in a prime position to take advantage of that.

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